How to Sleep Less and Feel Really Great

Have you ever been in the situation whereby there simply just isn't enough hours in the day to get everything that you need to do completed? I know I have! Now imagine if you knew the secret of how to sleep less and feel really great. What could that do to your lifestyle? How much more can you achieve? These are questions that can be answered if we can learn to control our sleeping patterns, instead of them controlling us.

Great people such as Winston Churchill and Thomas Edison survived quite happily on only Four hours sleep a day. I am not saying that this is good for everybody, as this is a little extreme but it is totally feasible that you can sleep for 5-6 hours a night and wake up feeling on top of the world.

Most people are under the impression that 8 hours of sleep is the optimum sleep time. However here is a fact for you! It' s the quality of your sleep time that counts and not the quantity. So how can you make sure that you have quality sleep every night. Well the simple answer is that firstly you have to train yourself to get into a good sleep routine, and this means going to bed at the same time every night and getting up at the same time every morning even when you are not working. This then gets the body 's natural alarm clock called the "circadian rhythm" used to waking at a certain time.

The second factor is that you have to recognise and understand your own personal sleep cycle. You see, when we sleep the body goes through certain stages of sleep from light, through to deep and dreamlike stages, and this is repeated several times over the course of the night. Each sleep cycle has a start and finish point, and if you can train your body to wake up at the very end of a completed cycle then you will wake up feeling good.